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Why is mindfulness important in your life, and how can YOU access it?


Mindfulness is a practice of purposely focusing your attention on the moment—and accepting it without judgment.

According to American Psychological Association, The term "mindfulness" has been used to refer to a psychological state of awareness, the practices that promote this awareness, a mode of processing information, and a character trait.

Mindful daily self-care rituals are an underrated way to take good care of yourself consistently.

Put simply, mindfulness is being conscious of what's happening now, with an attitude of kindness, compassion, and curiosity.

Even if you are working at the office or at home, still many of us spend our days just running from time to time. We are busy, always on the go, have demands and responsibilities coming from different areas of life, and simply don't seem like there is an opportunity to pause or stop and live the present moment. We always wonder what we can do after one task, goal, and on and on to maximize our productivity in a day.

Check your to-do list for the day; if you don't correlate mindfulness, every task started to feel more overwhelming and became more than what it really was. I know, I have been there.

However, with a focused effort, we can take the chance to slow back down. We can find more happiness, joy, peace, and purpose through practicing mindful self-care rituals in our everyday lives. That said, "being mindful" is not as simple as it sounds. It is a habit that you have to develop and grow inside of you.

Related: Have a browse of these mindfulness facts & statistics to learn about how many people practice it, trial and uptake of it, where do people learn it, the benefits of being mindful and economic impacts of mindfulness.

On that note, I have put together a list of 6 SELF-CARE RITUALS that you can develop as habits that have helped in my quest to be more mindful:


Accessing Gratitude is a powerful and straightforward way to raise your vibration, improve your mood, and focus on appreciation.

Saying, "I AM Happy and Grateful for", and completing that thought with a simple list of all you are grateful for expands your neurological pathways past your stressful of demanding circumstances and into a positive and healthy zone of consciousness.

Every human being can find three things to be grateful for. Just take a moment to sit back and reflect on your life and see the positive things. The people in your life, the possessions you appreciate and enjoy, and even the modern-day technologies and conveniences we often take for granted.

Here's some simple stuff to be grateful for:

· Running water

· Personal health & vitality

· Physical safety and security

· Food to eat

· Shelter

· Clothes to wear

· Having a working brain

· Mental health & stability

· A loving family

Basically, Gratitude results in positive thinking. We tend to focus on the obstacles and challenges of life because they demand a response. We need to fight and overcome them if we desire to move ahead. On the flip side, we tend to neglect to pay attention to the miraculous things in life. The fact that your breath and your heart beats without you having to think about it, for example, is a miracle we take for granted. The way to a happy and positive life is by using Gratitude, shifting our attention away from negative emotions, and focusing on the positive ones.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman, orator, and philosopher who served as consul in the year 63 BCE, quoted that: "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others."

Gratitude enables us to gaze into the future with higher confidence. As we see the fuller knowledge and understanding of all the miraculous and bountiful advantages we enjoy daily, we aren't as worried about problems or circumstances that arise. We can keep trouble in misfortune within the context of all the positive happenings. Does that make sense?


When was the last time you wrote something privately that you knew nobody else would ever read? While many of us quit Journaling when we're kids, reintroducing the practice as an adult has been shown to work wonders for mood and outlook.

There is various type of journals, and you can select exactly what's best for you. It's important to understand that everybody has their unique style of Journaling. Some like to write with a pen, and some prefer a pencil. Others choose to type their feelings out on a keyboard or yet on their phone. There's no right or wrong style to write and journal. The important thing is to decide what works for you and just do it.

Don't worry if you are not exactly sure where to start out. Journaling is really excellent for those times if you cannot pinpoint what you exactly feel. Writing about what is happening around you will help keep you within the present moment. If you want to adopt Journaling as a habit, work on yourself and commit to doing it for 21 days, every day, because it will help improve your self-awareness practice by providing you with an actual record of your thoughts, so you can reflect on them more quickly than relying on your memory alone.

Journaling overall provides a sense of clarity because when you are writing, in all of its forms, it helps you to understand yourself better, promotes inner peace, allows you to see things from a different perspective, lessen feelings of anxiety, and provides a way to focus on your goals.

Journaling in silence can help us concentrate on a particular idea and aid in quieting the mind. It can also be good preparation for a conversation, allowing us to center our thoughts and get to the essence of the conversation more quickly.

One quick tip for Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders:

Have a team or in a group meeting? Before you open your meeting discussion, ask your team to spend 10 minutes writing their ideas or thoughts in response to a guiding question.

All- in all, Journaling can be a powerful way to connect with your inner world, get clear on your thoughts and feelings, and help you make sense of the happenings occurring in your life.


Meditation is a simple practice for your mental, spiritual and emotional well-being that others overcomplicate. The fundamental concept of meditation is simple. Each time your mind starts to shift its spotlight off from your breath, and you get lost in thought, you only bring your attention back to your breath. Then, you repeat this again and again until it is time or when your meditation timer sounds. The purpose is that each time you bring your attention back to your breath, you exercise your "attention muscle," if you also want to call it that. Then, over time your focus, concentration, and attentiveness span improve.

Over the years of practice, there have been various techniques developed by different cultures and religions, and as technology advances, you can find and access many references and recordings everywhere. Plus, you don't have to live like a monk to practice and perform meditation. People’s growing obsession with self-care and mental health means booming business for meditation apps. You can meditate and access your gadgets at your convenience. You can find paid and free subscriptions online, but if you really want to get into presence right now, come into stillness and go, oh, it's right here: MY FREE MONTHLY MEDITATION RECORDING and experience the more confident, calmer, and more centered YOU.

Take time to meditate and quiet your mind. While managing your time and everyday tasks can be challenging, it's crucial to dedicate your time to connect with yourself. Whether as soon as you wake up in the morning, during your lunch break, or at night before you get some sleep, take at least two to five minutes to meditate day after day. Adapting meditation and peaceful relaxation into your lifestyle will free your mind and foster more substantial relationships with yourself, time, money, and people, along with improving your overall wellness.


Mindfulness on its meaning, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis."

We can practice mindfulness in different forms, such as "live in the moment," "accept yourself," "focus on your breathing," and you can also start by giving attention to your 5 senses — touch, sound, sight, smell, and taste. For instance, when you eat a favorite food, take the time to smell, taste, and just truly enjoy it- you are present to the moment.

You can also practice a more structured type of mindfulness, such as a body scan with any sensations associated with each part of your body. Sit or walk and be aware of your thoughts and emotions.

You can literally practice meditation in everything you do, even when you brush your teeth, take a bath, and do dishes and laundry.

When we practice this mindfulness habit in our everyday life, it helps us reduce our own negative self-talk, strengthen our coping skills, lessen worrisome thoughts, reduce triggers due to anxiety & depression, and decrease judgmental thoughts towards ourselves and others.

If you want to cultivate your present moment and live your best life, it is here NOW – through "mindfulness." You can visit my homepage for more mindfulness ideas, tools, and tips and get clear from the soul up!


This is a HUGE, leveled-up type of mindful self-care habit that you can practice and embrace to get clear with your dream life and career because you are manifesting by accessing your subconscious mind, which is our connection to the universal powers; that help create our reality!

Even the Holy Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

So let's get visualizing!

Here's a simple practice to start your manifestation process:

  • Decide what you want to achieve in your life and career and write it down on a piece of paper, or type in your phone or laptop if that is easier.

  • Ask yourself: Why am I here?, What is my vision? What is my mission? What is my purpose? How can I support my Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit in this process of self-actualization?

  • Visualize yourself with your life at a ten on every level. You've achieved your wildest dreams. You've done what you came on Earth to do. Visualize it and paint it all in... Then write down what you would see, feel, and hear and all you will experience if you achieve what you set out to accomplish.

  • Read what you wrote down every day for the next 30 days and visualize it clearly for 15-20 seconds.

  • If you want a more detailed visualization of your manifestation, create a vision board that you can place in your bed, and you can save it from your phone and computer.

Detaching yourself from all negative energy around you and actively attracting positive energy toward your subconscious mind at the start of each day will help you invite more positivity, joy, peace, and abundance into your life. Then throughout the day, be ready and open to receive guidance from the universe and have faith that every event and experience (even if it's challenging) is happening to drive you closer to your divine and highest purpose.

As human beings, we ALL possess the divine power to design and create the life we desire, using the influence of our minds. And the truth is, YOU are constantly manifesting your outside reality (whether you recognize it or not).

So you see, each emotion, thought, and intention that you possess, either positive or negative, releases a specific vibration of energy into the universe, which essentially shapes and determines the details of your life.


Goals provide more direction to our everyday life. When we set and create goals, we tend to focus more on what we truly desire because our minds are easily distracted. We often, if not sometimes, set too many big goals.

Therefore we lose sight of the small important ones. Goal mapping helps you to distribute your goals into smaller and more efficiently accessible parts. With this, it's easy to view and monitor all your different goals, even on just one page. Also, the goals will be short enough to plan them in any of your agendas. This guarantees that you, too, can become successful in reaching your goals.

The great way to bring order your goals for maximum impact is to categorize it from Personal, Financial, Relationships, Professional/Career Life, Health and Fitness, Fun and Recreation, and Contribution.

To get more profound answers that will serve YOU better, start by sitting quietly in a comfortable environment where you won't be disturbed to set your SMART Goals. Perhaps put on some relaxing music. Then, close your eyes, open your heart and ask your subconscious mind to provide you with visions of what Your ideal "dream life and career" would look like if you could have it precisely the way you want it. If you can, to accelerate your vision, you must review the goals you have written down. In that way, it will keep your conscious and subconscious minds focused on your goals.

If you want to adopt this concept TO OVERCOME DOUBT AND UNCERTAINTY THAT IS BLOCKING YOU FROM ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS, join the Female Millennial Business Leaders and Creative Entrepreneurs who want to live their best life with my mini-course: "COACHING MYSELF". "You will Get step-by-step soul work to chart your Mindful Self-Care Rituals and Practical Tools you can use to access confidence, clarity, security, and belief in yourself, your intuition, your journey, and your life's purpose.

Register today and allow me to guide you on a journey of personal development and transformation that will give you clarity, confidence, and certainty about your life and your life's journey.

If you want to welcome calmness into your life and enhance your mindfulness, now would be a great time to take advantage of this special offer.

All you have to do is say YES and commit to taking the consistent daily actions that will make your most significant ambitions a reality.

If you can visualize your dream, make goal setting, and incorporate mindfulness in your everyday life, then YOU CAN ACHIEVE it!

You have the talent and the resources you need to start (just open your 5 senses) and create anything you want.

To sum up all of this, I just wanted to check in on you to see how you've been getting on with your mindfulness practice.

If you could keep me in the loop by letting me know how you're doing, then that'd be great! We can be in touch with my socials, and I am excited to see you inside the community!


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